ALL is done n over...i meant IAP n FYP....went for vidz b'dae on Saturdae..n it was splendid...
da whole crew was dere...realli did enjoi maself....
i believe she was overjoyed too....we took fotos....n wow....
realli i shld but da cake up in ma was so pinky n so niceee.....
creamy as well n of coz not forgettin her mum'z was excellent n superb....
vidz...realli luv all these time...we realli haf to treasure those dei....
aniwae....todae suppose to be goin to gym...but hahah we didn....
planz were cancelled...n we ended up relackin in sch.... not very suprised abt dat....aniwaez....
vidz b'dae pic.....