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welcome to my blog ♥
In this Blog, u r entitled to read ma entries
and tag mi...


Rachael Magdelene ♥
Nanyang PolyTechnic n now in SIAEC


Family and Frenz
Other Activities
-outdoor sports
-bike riding
-spending time wif ma baby :D








please to not rip the credits =)
designer- X pictures- X
brushes- XXX
hosts- XX
fonts- X

for the brushes part , i try to credit as much as i can .
for those things i got from deviantart , i really cannot remember e poster of e pic or brushes . sorry about that . =)

Wednesday, June 06, 2012 ♥

Blogging after a loooooog Time :)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Sunday, March 20, 2011 ♥

Starting with another Heart Break

After the break up with Vig....i never thought of considering anyone else to enter in my
life...but somewhere somehow u came in...
u saed u loved me...u wanted a committment with me...but look where dis has left me now...

y did u not leave me wen i had no feelings for you...??
when i did not love u den??
u wanted me badly in the start...n now u left me cos of your family?

Is this wat i haf to go thru dear...??? its okie...
it was my wrong move to accept you so quickly...
n again its my wrong move to tell u how i feel now wen u have already made the decision.

Therefore, i wanna let dis whole thing abt love n relationship go off from my life...i guess i dunt fall on dat side...i m not meant to fall in love...or be loved by anyone...

All i get is hurt..n nt get a 100% love n commitment...but still i know u were very genuine den...
I respect u alot...n i also respect ur family's decision...i shall let it be den...
anywae gettin hurt by my loved ones is realli nth new...
no one really understands my heart...abt my feelings...dae realli dunt understand abt anythin...
to dem...every move i do happens to be the wrong move...
or am i the one over thinkin???? i m alwaes full of questions...not understanding wats happenin...?

Only God has the answers to my questions and feelings...Hopefully i will feel better...wen i stabalise my life in other waes...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Tuesday, March 30, 2010 ♥

I think its time to wake up n get baq to ma past life...

How i used to be with out this boy...without this luv,
i used to haf so much of fun, need not worryin or brooding over anything.

Then y do i have to feel like the whole world has come dwn to ma feet??
i luved him alot and he luved me alot too..so i shld apreciate it that i have luvd
and met a guy like him whu has taught alot abt frenship n luv also...

No regrets...i want da best for him though...so the rite decision is for me to move on
in life...will dat eva happen anytime soon...? maybe if he had played me out, will i den be able to
hate him?

He was nice to me...a realli nice bf...whu cares n luvs me til dis very moment...but how can i let him go jus like dat...i luved him sooo much..more den i luv myself...
Walkin out will be da last thing dat will eva happen...i noe one dae he will realise...

till den i wanna wait..da onli time i will start movin awae wen i haf lost da luv for him...
n dat is so unlikely to happen cos ma luv is as such...never knew dat i will end up in dis kind of prob...but yea for now...he is ma luv...

n i am not even gonna care if anyones's gonna think dat i am obsessed or insane cos i noe dat ma luv for him his true...


you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Monday, February 15, 2010 ♥

Will I?

I noe wt i should be dng...but do i haf da courage to walk out...to walk out of ur life....
I haf been gng thru so much of mixed feelings...jus to keep on movin on in ma life...
Will i be able to make it?

I noe u luv me alot wif ur Whole heart....u alwaes look out for me...
U alwaes ensure I AM OKIE...dats becos u LUV ME...
Everydae is a survival baby....a dae for me to survive n to live Wif out...
Will i make it from dat survival...dat challenge baby?

Are we gonna abondan dis Rship...? jus like dat...? we haf been thru alot...
dere is lots of luv given to it...den y cant it be werked out baby....
Its okie honey...1 dae i noe u will realise ya...but
Will i still be dere to be with u baby?

I dunt noe....But one thing...no matter how much u move awae from me...
or we are oceans apart...mY Love FoR u WiLl NeVeR ChAnGe...

thats is how much u mean to be baby.I LUV U :)

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥

Tuesday, February 02, 2010 ♥

Cant believe i am bloggin again...

Just dunt feel so true at all...i feel like ma feelings are being
faked...i cant concerntrate in werk at all...

How i jus wished he will gif me a call n tell me....he misses me n wants me back
in his life..will dat eva happen ?

I was ignoring u all dis wae...y am i starting feel so soft n dis wae for u?
Do is i still luv u da same way...?
I think i do...but do u luv me da same way...?

Everymoment is jus killing me baby...y cant u try to even do sth abt us...
yeap its simple like u saed...we shld never meet rite..?
i noe u can live wifout me...well if i haf to go thru dat as well...fine...

you are the only reason for my precious smile ♥